College & Careers

A Young Adult Bilingual Fellowship at El Buen Pastor.

We bridge the gap of young adults between highschoolers and adults, 18+.

In our fellowship, diversity
is celebrated as we embrace
two languages, creating an
inclusive space where both
English and Spanish intertwine to
sometimes Spanglish, allowing young adults from various cultural backgrounds to come together and worship our Lord Jesus the Christ.

Our primary focus is on Christ, and our gatherings are a blend of spirited discussions, prayer, and deep dives into the Word of God. Through these enriching exchanges, we seek not only to gain a deeper understanding of biblical truths but also to apply them in our daily lives.

This fellowship is more than just a gathering—it's a family. We share joys, struggles, victories, and challenges, supporting and uplifting one another through prayer, encouragement, and promote outdoing each other in acts of kindness. Whether it's a Bible study session, a shared meal, or a casual hangout, we cherish every moment of fellowship as an opportunity to strengthen our bonds and grow together in faith.

Our aim is not only to grow individually but also to contribute positively to the wider community. We actively engage in outreach programs, volunteer efforts, and missions, seeking to spread the love of Christ and make a meaningful difference in the world around us.

At the core of our fellowship is the belief that Jesus Christ is the foundation of our lives. Through His teachings and example, we strive to live lives that honor Him, demonstrating His love, compassion, and grace to everyone we encounter.

We invite all young adults seeking a welcoming, supportive community centered on Christ to join us. Together, let's continue to learn, grow, and build each other up as we journey in faith and obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.